Colin Mulberg Consulting

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Sussex Past

A business development project across three major tourist attractions.

Sussex Past asked us to look at the potential for Lewes Castle, Michelham Priory House and Gardens, Hailsham as well as Fishbourne Roman Palace, Chichester. Working with staff across the organisation, we reviewed audiences for the sites, determining shared agendas, what is valued in each venue and the offers of nearby towns.

With the managers of each site, we explored the experience of visiting, what was on offer to visitors and the potential for attracting visitors during peak, shoulder and off-peak seasons. We also Identified a range of site improvements to expand existing offers and provide new experiences.

We reviewed earned income streams and the potential for increasing income from a variety of activity, including special events, drink festivals, food markets, venue hire, food and beverage sales, shop sales and the value of promoting local producers.

To help build resilience, we delivered management training and support on understanding the visitor viewpoint, moving to a visitor focus, creating change and developing a mixed economy approach.

The work is now feeding into a redevelopment plan, with a wider range of visitor offers and increased off-season engagement.