Projects & Funding Bids

What is it?

Drawing on our experience as a registered UK National Lottery Consultant, we have a strong track record of supporting funding bids. We use our design and heritage experience to check that project plans are likely to engage your key audiences and give them a memorable experience.

A fresh pair of eyes can give a realistic appraisal of early project ideas, as well as helping shape proposals into an exciting vision that will attract a range of visitors and deliver most value for money.

We add value to all project stages. We work with project teams, gallery designers and architects to develop the project through the concept stage to shaping more detailed proposals – creating masterplans, themes, topics, storylines, content, display ideas, visitor experiences and interpretation that excite and engage visitors and will work in the physical space.

This saves you time and budget in later design stages and builds a solid foundation for further development.

How we can help